Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Process Paranoia

Is your manager part of the problem or the solution and how can you tell?

Allow me to tell a story.

You are a developer on a large project that involves a large portion of the IT department not to mention multiple external stakeholders and has lots of moving parts and many upstream project dependencies. There are a large cadre of contractors working on a bug-list that keeps growing. The test environment is so complex that features can't be tested outside of certain windows due to the difficulties in getting all the moving parts built and installed correctly (no disrespect here, I mean it's that complex of a beast). The powers-that-be freeze check-ins to the development environment to reduce the number of moving parts during a weekly (yes, not daily) build/package/deploy to test. We won't get into the easy ways to handle this like tagging or snapshots, the management, which includes the technical leads, of the project have been working extra hours for weeks and don't have mental bandwidth to discuss theories. The large influx of developers who are supposed to help fix bugs only further tax the original developers with requests to help setup dev environments, understand the database, or request additional access to various resources.

This is not new, Brooks wrote about it decades ago so why am I writing about it now? With a project like the one that I've described, change management becomes a key tool in maintaining sanity and enabling success. By predefining a process and a set of criteria by which change requests will be evaluated, management has the power to be in control of the project schedule. One such example would be "Once the project has begun User Acceptance Testing, no more change requests will be accepted without approval by the CIO." The level of approval needed would of course vary by the priority of the project. There can be many such rules so that the threshold for permitting a change request rises as the project gets further into the development cycle.

If 'Analysis Paralysis' is the tendancy to continue to analyze past the point of diminishing returns, 'Process Paranoia' is the tendancy to reject efforts to define processes from a misguided attempt to forstall Analysis Paralysis. How is this connected to my tale of development woe? One of the upstream projects wants to provide a function for their customers which otherwise would require said customer to log into a second system to perform a query and then use the results in the upstream system. Normally this type of integration is commendable and encouraged. Why not now? When the managers allow change requests to be considered on an ad-hoc basis, it becomes highly probable that some request will trigger a fire drill of effort in order to evaluate the feasibility or ramifications when that decision should have been simply a matter of saying "According to our change management process, no change requests are accepted even for evaluation once we enter the testing phase without CIO approval." End of story. To do otherwise is almost guaranteeing that a project that was chugging down the tracks will eventually become a large trainwreck waiting to happen.

So the question is, does your management believe/understand/support proper change management processes or just pay them lip service? The answer to this last question goes a long way to answering the initial question of this post.
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    It's like you worked on my project! Uncanny!


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