Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chapter 5 - The Programming Team

This continues my review of "The Psychology of Computer Programming" by Gerald M. Weinberg.

So far we've had individual programmers either working solo or in an environment where other programmers work but on separate tasks. As long as a single person can maintain the conception of the program, conflict resolution involves the thinking of a single individual, regardless how much advice is available or heeded. When a problem is too large for one person to hold in their mind at once, the scale of the problem goes up due to the increasing communication needs but is now one of a different kind. In this second case,

"conflicting technical demands are translated into potential interpersonal conflicts, and a social mechanism must be formed to resolve them"
This is part of the territory. Two people with solutions that are mutually exclusive. Programmers are proud of their intelligence and are more than willing to argue their side.

How A Team Forms

"As a rough rule, three programmers organized into a team can do only twice the work of a single programmer of the same ability"
I'm no longer as convinced of this as I once was. It really depends on how well defined the separation is between the modules.

Establishing And Accepting Goals

"Social psychologists have verified in other contexts that failure of one or more members to share the group goals affects the group performance -- not only through that member's share but through a reduced performance on the part of the others, for they invariably perceive the division within the group or the indifference of one of the members."
A non-programming example of this is when football teams get a new coach; the TV pundits like to use the phrase "They've bought into the new system" meaning that the players have taken the coaches goals for their own. A common programming example you might see in a development shop is where the current toolset and technology stack used is from Microsoft and there is that one guy who keeps muttering under his breath that "Microsoft sucks". His lack of cooperation will be felt by the rest of the team. The result may be that they avoid him instead of sharing the new trick they learned to solve some daily annoyance. No one wants to pair-program with him. The price being paid, at a minimum, is the reduced productivity of the frustrated Microsoft-hater.

The Team In Crisis
"The replacement of a leader--or any team member--is probably the most frequent and typical crisis in the life of a team. The effect of adding or removing a member depends quite sensitively on the group structure, and many a manager has been unpleasantly surprised at the change in performance resulting from the removal or addition of an 'insignificant' group member. "

If we need proof that programming is a social activity, we need look no further. Unless you are the sole programmer working at a company or on a project, there will always be a social aspect to what you do. I'll go even farther and say that unless you are the only person who will use the application, there will inevitably be people involved, from the person who asked you to write the app to the person who will be using the app.

"A member who is competent but who does not get along with the others can be an even more serious problem for the democratic group than an out-and-out incompetent. In an authoritarian group, such a member would not have much contact with others on a working basis anyway, so as long as he gets along adequately with the leader, he presents no particular problem. Indeed, some programmers prefer to work under a strong, centralized leader in order that they do not have to socialize with their fellow workers. But in a democratic team, an antisocial member cuts lines of communications and is a constant impediment to consensus in team meetings."

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. If we want to stay our of our own way, we need to remember in software development, people are the biggest cause of failure.



For Managers:

- Are your hiring practices such that you get more uniformity on teams that you would like? When making up teams, do you try to see that a good "mix" of people is on each one, or do you strive in the opposite direction?

- Do you ever do things to try to inflate the appearance of your technical competence in front of the people who work for you? Describe some of these incidents, and also some incidents in which it was discovered that your technical competence was in at least one respect inferieor to one of the people who work for you. What were the consequences of that discovery, and do they justify attempting to cover up?

- In setting your own working goals, what part is set by what is passed down from above, and what part is set by what comes up from below? Are you satisfied with this arrangement, or would you like to alter it in some ways?

For Programmers:

- What part of programming work do you do best? Are you permitted to contribute that best part of your work to your team, and is it generally recognized that it is the best part of your work?

- Has your manager ever done anything to make you doubt his honesty? If so, describe the incident, what ultimately happened to your doubt, and how your work was affected.
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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Peanut Butter Programming

When I first started messing with dynamic web pages it was using Perl and CGI. It was fun at first getting a page to respond based on some algorithm. It was also easy to overlook the growing mound of HTML strings embedded in your program. It soon became apparent that this approach doesn't scale very well. Keeping track of which tag needed to be closed and when was too much like keeping track of dynamic memory allocations in C.

Java came along with Java Servlet Pages (JSPs) and it seemed like a huge improvement. By inverting the relationship between code and HTML, you didn't have to have your HTML all strung out in little bits in the program. When you wanted to include some program logic in your page, you had two choices: write an extension so your logic could be expressed like an HTML tag, or you could embed it as a code-snippet directly in with the HTML. While there were plenty of examples of how to create your own tags, the overwhelming amount of JSP code I've seen took the other approach. To the extreme. When some behavior was needed in multiple places, sometimes it refactored into a common file and then referred to from multiple pages. Other times (which translates to whenever possible), it was copied and pasted around with the justification of "I just need it to work". The result was a file with little bits of program strung out through your HTML. Sometimes mixing two things can prove to be a good thing. remember the the TV commercial for peanut butter cups? "You have your peanut butter in my chocolate! No, you have your chocolate in my peanut butter!" Unlike that TV commercial, mixing HTML and code is a recipe for heartburn. Peanut butter may be tasty but will stick to everything it touches and you'll end up with a greasy mess to clean up if you're not careful. That's why I call this "Peanut Butter Programming".

Why do developers keep using approaches like 'cut-n-paste' even though they usually know better? When the choice is between doing the expedient thing and the right, people typically want to do the right thing but only to a point. If 'cut-n-paste' is simpler or easier than doing the right thing, the playing field becomes so tilted that some other motivation needs to be strong enough to deter choosing the short-term solution. Code standards are one example of that kind of motivation. They express a value judgment that the increasing maintenance costs of supporting bad code is not worth the time saved by taking short-cuts. If the programmer knows he'll have to face his peers and explain why he took a short-cut, his choice becomes "I can do it quick-and-dirty (QaD) in 5 minutes instead of the right way which would take 15 minutes. But if I do it QaD, I'll have to spend 30 minutes arguing at the code-review. It's not worth the argument so I'll just do it the right way and save myself the trouble." This sort of balancing act shows up naturally during pair-programming where having the second coder around makes it harder to justify writing messy code on the first pass.

Recently, I went to a class on Microsoft's ASP.NET technology. Setting aside any feelings for the company, the way they approached the problem of mixing code and HTML was to make it easier to do the right thing. They introduced the concept of a separate 'Code Behind' file which contains the C# or VB code for a given page. By making it easy to manipulate objects on the page and respond to events while keeping the code separate, they've made the right way also be the easiest way.

Even experienced developers will justify taking a short-cut, however short-sighted, if doing the right thing is hard enough to do relative to the short-cut. Different people have different tolerance level for short-cuts. Understanding why people do the things they do isn't easy but gives us the perspective needed to address the problem.
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